Thursday, December 20, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Move over Mcdonald's...

'Cause you can't even compete with this!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Chocolate covered snowy goodness.

Just another sun-snowy day here!

Pretty, pretty princess!

He hasn't lost a game yet.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Back to basics...with flair!

Nothin' beats your son bringing this home from school for you:

The cure for inconsistency?

Wow - what a great week this is turning out to be! Sometimes, the most stressful of times are the times of highest growth.

Through more praying, and listening, I think I have realized the root of my inconsistency. It is another one of those beliefs I'm holding. Another one of those that I would never say out loud, but have obviously been holding as truth.

It goes like this, "From now on, I will...."

Or, "Every day, I'm going to..."

You know what? Habits don't start that way and they don't go away that easily. I wrote something down in my Bible once:
"Habits are too weak to be felt, until they are too strong to break."

So, here is what I realized. I can't take these bad habits of mine, and declare them gone. I can't decide, in one moment, that I will do "this, this, this, and that" differently. I have to make this decision each morning!

Last night, I made a list of all that needs to be done; the many things I have been neglecting around here, and the everyday things that I don't want to be lazy about.

Then, I decided that just for tomorrow, I would diligently work through my list, and not just let the day go by. I even included my exercise, and some down time, on my list - because those things are important, too! (Just in the right doses, right?)

Tonight, when getting ready for bed, I am going to do this again...and commit that "just for tomorrow," I will have these good habits.

My pastor told me once, that a well-lived life is built one day at a time; made up of a series of daily making the right choices.

My problem arises with trying to see my whole life all at once. So, for today, I will be thinking about today. Tonight, I will prepare for tomorrow, and look forward to living just that day. And, one day, I hope to look back upon a series of well-lived days.

I would never say that!

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..."

We had had one of those tense mornings; where no one can find their shoes, someone still has homework they forgot to do, and we can't miss the bus, because Mommy doesn't have time to make the trip to school today. I wasn't very patient or proud of the way I handled the morning.

Finally, the kids are all settled on their buses, and I'm on my way to Chemistry. I am thinking a little; praying a little...and I have this major realization (which, in reality, was an answer to my praying.)

When I am with someone else's children, I am on my "best behaviour." I am more patient, and more forgiving. Now, I know that some of that has to do with me not being responsible for how they turn out in the end; but it also shows that I believe something I would never say out loud.

The thing I would never say is that I can treat my children poorly because they are "mine." I can be on my worst behaviour in front of them because, since we live together, they get to see the real me.

You know what my realization was? They are NOT mine!

I'm picturing this scenario:

A father is dropping off his children at my house in the morning - for me to babysit. I'm dressed and ready when they show up. I'm cheerful and pleasant; the house is clean and welcoming. While I care for these children, I'm patient and even spend time teaching them some good behaviour, or correcting some bad choices.

Add a video camera to the scenario. How much more concerned would I be with my actions throughout the day, knowing that this loving father would be catching up with his children's day via video later on?

This isn't just a scenario - this is what I am doing every day. These are not my children...they are God's children. He is always watching me care for them, and I'm surprised he has not replaced me yet.

This thought - this answer to prayer on my way to class - is staying with me. I wanted to share it as I can see how much it has affected my daily life - for the better.

Anyone can be on their best in front of visitors...but's where it really counts is in the home. I'm thankful for God's patience and correction in my daily life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's curtains for you, kid!

I could not be more pleased with these beautiful curtains made by my dear friend and neighbor, Tessa.
All that's left is to put curtains in front of the closet.
Thanks to Tessa, and her awesome attitude, things are really starting to come together around here. And I was already thrilled just to have a cup of tea with her every once in a while!

And this little piggy eats healthy...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Out with the old....

and be careful what you let back in!

This is what I did today...and I am only blogging about it in hopes that a certain dear friend will be so proud of me that she will come over and brew a pot of decaf for us to relax with.

Goodbye "half of my basement." Hello, empty wonderful space.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Have you discovered your love of aprons yet???

The Apronista: Bee-Bops Party Wear - Apronista Giveaway

Go see this contest! Just for checking out Molly's website and leaving a comment about your favorite apron, you can WIN one!

They are made out of towels and are really beautiful.
If I win, I'll finally have an apron again!
Go over there, and enter the contest. It ends this Friday.

Chemistry in the Kitchen!

Tonight my friend Tessa came over, and we made laundry soap in my kitchen!
It was great...
We started out with Borax, Washing Soda, Water, and a bar of Fels Naptha soap (but you can use homemade soaps, or Ivory)...and ended up with a big container of gel.
The recipe is all over the internet, and I even found a nice little video of a Mama making her own; so I won't bother to post the exact recipe.
Here's a photo!
It's gelling up really nicely. When we first put it in there, it looked like an egg soup type mixture. Just now, upon opening it for the picture, I was surprised to find such a thick gel. I've never been so excited to do laundry before!

Here is a video of making a similar soap - just using a bar of Ivory instead.

dangerously delicious.

The sneaky bedtime snack

Packed with protein (whole wheat and natural peanut butter)...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

On a snowy day...

this little sloppy-joe mobile had no trouble gettin' where he was goin.