1. Once worked on a dairy farm and was paid in cash, goats, and chickens.
2. Am interested in woodworking and would love to be able to build my own 'stuff.'
3. Shoveling snow is my grown-up way of playing in the snow. I actually do like doing it.
4. I always tuck the blankets securely around my feet when I sleep. This has it's roots in a bad dream I had as a child about a giant ant, but it's also to keep warm.
5. Do not enjoy horror movies.
6. I do not ever watch TV when I'm home. Don't even have one plugged in.
7. Hoping to graduate and become a Nurse in just over two years.
8. Recovering coffee addict. I have to be very careful around that stuff. Have an extensive tea collection to make up for it.
9. Have had one 'best friend' since I was 14 years old. We met because I bummed a cigarette off of her in the basement during mass (Catholic.) We are still very close and talk at least weekly.
10. The last cigarette I ever had was over 13 years ago. Quit with my first pregnancy. Don't even remember what it was like.
11. I don't drink alcohol.
12. Am working on reading through the entire Bible this year.
13. After I graduate and all that, I'd like to take my children to all kinds of exotic and interesting places.
14. Would love to buy Rosetta Stone and really be able to speak a second language (along w/my kids).
15. Not into shopping, but I suppose having some money to spend could make that a more pleasurable experience.
16. Love to be out on the water - in a canoe, boat, whatever. Have not been kayaking before and would really like to do that.
17. Enjoy silence.
18. Thunderstorms make me want to go sit outside.
19. Another thing I want to do when I graduate is spoil a few of my friends who have *really* been there for me. I smile thinking about that. :)
20. If I lost my planner, I wouldn't know if I was coming or going.
21. I am not naturally organized; not even a little. My method of organization is to get rid of stuff all the time so I have less to deal with.
22. Would probably not ever be classified as fashionable. I'm pretty sure I'm a 'fashion disaster.'
23. Lived in a homeless shelter with my children for 45 days once. Then we built our home with Habitat for Humanity while renting.
24. I know how to make bread and cakes almost by heart (but do like trying new recipes.) I don't have any measuring cups, but things still turn out great. Must be the love I put in there.
25. Am okay with being 'alone.'